Women Entrepreneurs

Starting and Scaling Technology Businesses in the United States

Authored By: Yvonne Quek and Emma Crawford – Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security

Executive Summary

The Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security and the Mulan Foundation of the People’s Republic of China have collaborated on comparative research on the state of women’s entrepreneurship in China and the United States. The objective is to better understand the opportunities and barriers faced by women entrepreneurs in the technology industry in starting and scaling their businesses. The focus of this paper is on the technology industry, while drawing on broader evidence where appropriate. This paper highlights initial findings for the United States, and will be followed by a comparative research report that discusses results from a larger sample of surveys and interviews conducted in both the United States and China.

乔治城女性、和平与安全研究所与中国木兰汇公益基金会合作展开了美中两国女性创业情况的比较研究。此研究旨 在更好地了解科技领域的女性企业家在创业和拓展业务方面所面临的机遇和挑战。本文重点关注科技领域,同时酌 情援引其他领域的例证。本文重点介绍美方的初步研究结果,后续发布的比较研究报告将会介绍在美中两国进行大 量调查和访谈后的结果。

The Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security, housed within the Georgetown University Walsh School of Foreign Service, researches how promoting women’s social and economic participation is linked to advancing sustainable peace and security. The Mulan Foundation, an initiative of the  Mulan Initiative, is the largest organization in China dedicated to supporting the growth and development of women’s entrepreneurship. It was founded on the idea that women make businesses better and aims to enhance female businesses’ commercial impact through collective learning, role models, and growth opportunities.

乔治城女性、和平与安全研究所是乔治城大学沃尔什外交学院的下设研究机构,致力于研究提高女性社会经济参与 度与促进和平与安全之间的关系。木兰汇公益基金会由木兰汇发起成立,是中国规模最大的致力于支持女性创业就 业的公益机构。基金会以“商业因女性而美好”为宗旨,希望通过集体学习、榜样引路、成长加速等途径提升女性对商 业的影响力。